Utu o raro Haina OEM Parker Denison T7EEC T7edbs T7edb T7ddbs T67edcm T67edcs T6edcr T67edcrs Pump Cartridge Kits

Utu o raro Haina OEM Parker Denison T7EEC T7edbs T7edb T7ddbs T67edcm T67edcs T6edcr T67edcrs Pump Cartridge Kits Whakaaturanga Whakaahua

Whakaahuatanga Poto:

Kei te whakahīhī mātou ki te tino koa o te kaihoko me te whakaae whanui na ta matou whai tonu ki runga o te awhe i runga i te otinga me te whakatika mo te utu Raro Haina OEM Parker Denison T7EEC T7edbs T7edb T7ddbs T67edcm T67edcs T6edcr T67edcrs Pump Cartridge Kits, Ka whakapau kaha matou. ki te awhina i nga kaihoko o te kaainga me te ao, me te hanga i te painga tahi me te hononga win-win i waenga i a maatau. kei te tatari matou mo to mahi tahi. Kei te whakapehapeha matou mo te kaihoko nui ...

  • Ingoa Tūemi:Parker Hydraulic Pump
  • Mana:Hydraulic
  • Pēhanga:Te Pēhanga Teitei
  • Rauemi:Korekau Korekau
  • wahie:Diesel
  • Whakamahinga:Hinu
  • Tikanga:Puma Rotary
  • Hanganga:Pump Multistage
  • Wāhi Taketake:Ningbo, Haina
  • Tukunga:7-15ra
  • Taipitopito Hua

    Tohu Hua

    Kei te whakahīhī mātou ki te tino koa o te kaihoko me te whakaae whanui na ta matou whai tonu ki runga o te awhe i runga i te otinga me te whakatika mo te utu Raro Haina OEM Parker Denison T7EEC T7edbs T7edb T7ddbs T67edcm T67edcs T6edcr T67edcrs Pump Cartridge Kits, Ka whakapau kaha matou. ki te awhina i nga kaihoko o te kaainga me te ao, me te hanga i te painga tahi me te hononga win-win i waenga i a maatau. kei te tatari matou mo to mahi tahi.
    Kei te whakahīhī mātou mo te tino koa o te kaihoko me te whakaae whanui na runga i ta matou whai tonu ki runga o te awhe mo ia otinga me te whakatika moHaina T7EEC Cartridge Kits, T7edbs Cartridge Kits, Kia tutuki ai o matou hiahia o te maakete, kua aro nui atu matou ki te kounga o a matou otinga me o ratonga. Inaianei ka taea e taatau te whakatutuki i nga whakaritenga motuhake a nga kaihoko mo nga hoahoa motuhake. Ka tohe tonu tatou ki te whakawhanake i to tatou wairua hinonga "kounga te oranga o te hinonga, ko te nama e whakapumau ana i te mahi tahi me te pupuri i te pepeha i roto i o tatou hinengaro: ko nga kaihoko tuatahi.


    T6, T7 Series-pin Vane Pump

    Te pehanga teitei me te mahi teitei o te dowel pin momo momo papua e whakamahia nuitia ana mo nga miihini kirihou, nga miihini whakarewa, nga miihini whakarewa, nga miihini miihini, nga miihini miihini, nga miihini hanga, nga miihini-moana.

    Ngā āhuatanga

    1. Ma te hanganga titi dowel, ka taea te mahi i roto i te pehanga teitei, te haruru iti me te roa o te ora

    2. Ka taea e tenei papu putu te uru ki te reo waipēhi pokey whanui, ka timata i te pāmahana iti me te mahi i te pāmahana teitei.

    3. I te wa e tango ana te papu vane i te bilabial vane, he nui te aukati parahanga hinu me te whanui tere.
    T6﹑T67﹑T7 Rangatū- Nga papu titoru

    < Tauira Tohunga

    T6DCC (M) -042 -017 -010 -1 R 02 -A 1 01
    Rangatū Momo
    Pump Puma mutunga-rere Puma rere-waenganui Puma mutunga uhi-rere Hekau
    Te hurihanga Tauranga
    Te hiri
    T67DBB KORE: momo ahumahi

    M: momo taraka

    S: momo taraka,

    SAE SAE C J744 flange whakaurunga

    014/B14﹑017/B17﹑020/B20﹑024/B24﹑028/B28﹑031/B31﹑035/B35﹑038/B38﹑042/B42﹑045/B40 B02﹑B03﹑B04﹑B05﹑B06﹑B07﹑B08﹑B10﹑B12﹑B15 B02﹑B03﹑B04﹑B05﹑B06﹑B07﹑B08﹑B10﹑B12﹑B15 Tirohia te rahi

    o te rakau

    (Tirohanga mai i te pou

    te mutunga o te papu)
    R-ringa matau mo te taha karaka

    L-ringa maui mo te taha-a-karaka

    tirohia te pikitia

    i raro

    A 1-S1 NBR Nitrile

    5-S5, Fluororubber

    T67DCB 014/B14﹑017/B17﹑020/B20﹑024/B24﹑028/B28﹑031/B31﹑035/B35﹑038/B38﹑042/B42﹑045/B40 003/B03,005/B05,006/B06,008/B08,010/B10,012/B12,014/B14,017/B17,020/B20,022/B20,022/B202 31/ B31 B02﹑B03﹑B04﹑B05﹑B06﹑B07﹑B08﹑B10﹑B12﹑B15
    T6DCC 014/B14﹑017/B17﹑020/B20﹑024/B24﹑028/B28﹑031/B31﹑035/B35﹑038/B38﹑042/B42﹑045/B40 003/B03,005/B05,006/B06,008/B08,010/B10,012/B12,014/B14,017/B17,020/B20,022/B20,022/B202 31/ B31 003/B03,005/B05,006/B06,008/B08,010/B10,012/B12,014/B14,017/B17,020/B20,022/B20,022/B202 31/ B31 00, 01, Tirohia te whakaurunga


    T67DDB 014/B14﹑017/B17﹑020/B20﹑024/B24﹑028/B28﹑031/B31﹑035/B35﹑038/B38﹑042/B42﹑045/B40 014/B14﹑017/B17﹑020/B20﹑024/B24﹑028/B28﹑031/B31﹑035/B35﹑038/B38﹑042/B42﹑045/B40 B02﹑B03﹑B04﹑B05﹑B06﹑B07﹑B08﹑B10﹑B12﹑B15 NO
    T6DDC 014/B14﹑017/B17﹑020/B20﹑024/B24﹑028/B28﹑031/B31﹑035/B35﹑038/B38﹑042/B42﹑045/B40 014/B14﹑017/B17﹑020/B20﹑024/B24﹑028/B28﹑031/B31﹑035/B35﹑038/B38﹑042/B42﹑045/B40 003/B03,005/B05,006/B06,008/B08,010/B10,012/B12,014/B14,017/B17,020/B20,022/B20,022/B202 31/ B31 00, 01, Tirohia te whakaurunga


    T67EDB 042﹑045﹑050﹑
    014/B14﹑017/B17﹑020/B20﹑024/B24﹑028/B28﹑031/B31﹑035/B35﹑038/B38﹑042/B42﹑045/B40 B02﹑B03﹑B04﹑B05﹑B06﹑B07﹑B08﹑B10﹑B12﹑B15 NO
    T6EDC 042﹑045﹑050﹑
    014/B14﹑017/B17﹑020/B20﹑024/B24﹑028/B28﹑031/B31﹑035/B35﹑038/B38﹑042/B42﹑045/B40 003/B03,005/B05,006/B06,008/B08,010/B10,012/B12,014/B14,017/B17,020/B20,022/B20,022/B202 31/ B31 00, 01, Tirohia te whakaurunga


    003/B03: I roto i te waehere displacement, 0 te tikanga o te hanganga pereti takirere urungi kotahi, ko B te tikanga o te hanganga pereti urungi e rua.
    Ko nga raraunga o nga raupapa e tika ana, he tauira kotahi. Tirohia koa nga raraunga papua raupapa T6-kotahi

    Ahu Tāuta

    Toronga rakau


    Tauira Hekau
    Te taipana teitei
    L1 L2 DIA K1xK2 H1 M1
    1 721 83.6 49.3 31.750/31.700 6.35×6.30 34.6 -
    2 1108 89.7 50.8 38.100/38.075 9.52×9.47 42.4 -
    3 55.2 38.0 SAE J498b akomanga1, Diametral pitch 12/24, 14T -
    4 61.0 31.5 SAE J498b te karaehe1, Diametral pitch 12/24, 17T -
    T6DCC 6 76.0 48.0 SAE J498b akomanga1, Diametral pitch 12/24, 14T -

    ● mahi i te tino rere me te pehanga


    Tauranga hinu Flange Tāuta Ahu(mm)
    A1 B1 ∅C1 D1 T1 Miro
    P1 1-1/4″ F10 30.2 58.7 31.8 82.6 7/16″-14UNCx22.3
    P2 1″ F08 26.2 52.4 25.4 101.6 3/8″-16UNCx19.0
    P3 3/4″ F06 22.2 47.6 19.0 74.7 3/8″-16UNCx19.0
    S 4″ F32 77.8 130.2 101.6 127 5/8″-11UNCx30.0
    T6DCC P1 1-1/4″ F10 30.2 58.7 31.8 82.6 7/16″-14UNCx22.3
    P2 1″ F08 26.2 52.4 25.4 101.6 3/8″-16UNCx19.0
    P3 01: 3/4″ F06 22.2 47.6 19.0 74.7 3/8″-16UNCx19.0
    00: 1″ F08 26.2 52.4 25.4 74.7
    S 4″ F32 77.8 130.2 101.6 127 5/8″-11UNCx30.0



    toronga rakau

    Tauira Hekau
    Te taipana teitei
    L1 L2 DIA K1xK2 H1 M1
    1 686 84.0 49.3 31.750/31.700 7.94×7.89 35.27 M10x20
    2 1148 91.0 50.8 38.100/38.075 9.52×9.47 42.36 M10x20
    5 883 84.0 60.0 34.900/34.850 7.94×7.89 38.42 M10x20
    3 971 56.0 38.0 SAE J498b akomanga1, Diametral pitch 12/24, 14T -
    4 46.0 31.5 SAE J498b te karaehe1, Diametral pitch 12/24, 17T -

    ● mahi i te tino rere me te pehanga

    Tauranga hinu Flange Tāuta Ahu(mm)
    A1 B1 ∅C1 D1 T1 Miro
    T67DDB(S) P1 1-1/4″ F10 30.2 58.7 31.8 82.6 7/16″-14UNCx22.3
    P2 1-1/4″ F10 30.2 58.7 31.8 101.6 7/16″-14UNCx24.0
    P3 3/4″ F06 22.2 47.6 19.0 74.7 3/8″-16UNCx19.0
    S 4″ F32 77.8 130.2 101.6 115.0 5/8″-11UNCx30.0
    T6DDC P1 1-1/4″ F10 30.2 58.7 31.8 82.6 7/16″-14UNCx22.3
    P2 1-1/4″ F10 30.2 58.7 31.8 101.6 7/16″-14UNCx24.0
    P3 01: 3/4″ F06 22.2 47.6 19.0 74.7 3/8″-16UNCx19.0
    00: 1″ F08 26.2 52.4 25.4 74.7
    S 4″ F32 77.8 130.2 101.6 115.0 5/8″-11UNCx30.0

    toronga rakau

    Tauira Hekau
    Te taipana teitei
    L1 L2 DIA K1xK2 H1 M1
    1 92.0 63.0 45h7 45h7 48.5 M12x24
    T6EDCS 2 100.0 63.5 44.45/44.40 11.11×11.06 49.3 1/2-UNCx24
    3 75.0 48.8 SAE J498b karaehe1, Diametral pitch 8/16, 13T -

    ● mahi i te tino rere me te pehanga

    Tauranga hinu Flange Tāuta Ahu(mm)
    A1 B1 ∅C1 D1 T1 Miro
    T67EDB P1 1-1/2″ F12 35.7 69.9 37.1 139.7 1/2″-13UNCx30.0
    P2 1-1/4″ F10 30.2 58.7 31.8 101.6 7/16″-14UNCx24.0
    P3 3/4″ F06 22.2 47.6 19.0 74.7 3/8″-16UNCx19.0
    S 4″ F32 77.8 130.2 101.6 115.0 5/8″-11UNCx30.0
    P1 1-1/2″ F12 35.7 69.9 37.1 139.7 1/2″-13UNCx30.0
    P2 1-1/4″ F10 30.2 58.7 31.8 101.6 7/16″-14UNCx24.0
    P3 01: 3/4″ F06 22.2 47.6 19.0 74.7 3/8″-16UNCx19.0
    00: 1″ F08 26.2 52.4 25.4 74.7
    S 4″ F32 77.8 130.2 101.6 115.0 5/8″-11UNCx30.0

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