Idizayini Evuselelekayo Ye-China Sumitomo Qt62 Hydraulic Rotary Gear Pump ye-Servo System

Idizayini Evuselelekayo Ye-China Sumitomo Qt62 Hydraulic Rotary Gear Pump Yesithombe Esifakiwe SeServo System

Incazelo emfushane:

Sincike emandleni obuchwepheshe aqinile futhi sihlala sidala ubuchwepheshe obuyindida ukuze sanelise isidingo se-Renewable Design yase-China Sumitomo Qt62 Hydraulic Rotary Gear Pump Yohlelo Lwe-Servo, Ukuze uthole idatha eyengeziwe, sicela usithumele i-imeyili. Sibhekela phambili ithuba lokukusiza. Sincike emandleni obuchwepheshe aqinile futhi sihlala sakha ubuchwepheshe obuyindida ukuze sanelise isidingo se-China Internal Gear Pump, Imishini Yokubumba Umjovo I-Servo Oil Pump, Sigcina ...

  • Igama lento :Sumitomo Interal Gear Pump
  • Inombolo yemodeli:QT42-52-62
  • Amandla :I-Hydraulic
  • Ingcindezi :Ingcindezi ephezulu
  • Okokhelekayo :Udizili
  • Ithiyori :Iphampu ejikelezayo
  • Isakhiwo :Iphampu yegiya
  • Isicelo :Okwesistimu ye-servo
  • Indawo Yomsuka:I-Ningbo, China
  • Ukulethwa :Izinsuku ezingu-7-15
  • Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

    Omaka bomkhiqizo

    Sincike emandleni obuchwepheshe aqinile futhi sihlala sidala ubuchwepheshe obuyindida ukuze sanelise isidingo se-Renewable Design yase-China Sumitomo Qt62 Hydraulic Rotary Gear Pump Yohlelo Lwe-Servo, Ukuze uthole idatha eyengeziwe, sicela usithumele i-imeyili. Sibhekela phambili ithuba lokukusiza.
    Sincike emandleni obuchwepheshe aqinile futhi sihlala sidala ubuchwepheshe obuyindida ukuze sanelise isidingoIphampu Yegiya Yangaphakathi YaseChina, Imishini Yokubumba I-Servo Oil Pump, Sigcina imizamo yesikhathi eside nokuzigxeka, okusisiza futhi sithuthuke njalo. Silwela ukuthuthukisa ukusebenza kahle kwamakhasimende ukuze songe izindleko kumakhasimende. Senza konke okusemandleni ethu ukuthuthukisa ikhwalithi yomkhiqizo. Ngeke siphile ngendlela eyingqophamlando yethuba lezikhathi.

    I-Sumitomo Hydraulic Internal Gear Pump ye-Servo System


    Iphampu yegiya yochungechunge lweSumitomo QT isetshenziswa kakhulu emishinini yokubumba umjovo, imishini yokubumba namakheshi neminye imishini.
    ■ 1. ukusebenza komsindo ophansi
    Amagiya angaphakathi ochungechunge lwe-QT abushelelezi futhi awakhulumi, kanti izici zawo ezinhle kakhulu zakhelwe amagiya ngokukhethekile. Umsindo uphansi kakhulu uma usetshenziswa, futhi umsindo usashelela ngisho nangesivinini esikhulu.
    ■ 2, ukumelana nokugqoka okuphezulu okugijima
    Ngaphezu kwesakhiwo esilula semishini, ukusetshenziswa kwamafutha athuthukile we-hydraulic kunganciphisa indawo esebenza ngayo kanye nokuguga kwezingxenye ezisebenzayo. I-chestnut yegiya le-QT ingasebenza ngengcindezi ephezulu engu-320bar, noma ngabe kusetshenziswa uwoyela ojwayelekile we-hydraulic, akulula ukugqoka izingcezu.
    ■ 3, ukushaya kwengcindezi ephansi
    Iphampu yegiya ye-QT ingacishe isuse ngokuphelele igagasi lokucindezela, ingasetshenziswa njengokulawula ukunemba kwesistimu yokucindezela kwethuluzi lomshini elifanele.

    Ubukhulu bokufaka

    Imodeli A B ∅C
    E ukhiye
    ububanzi x ubude
    Q 2-∅H ∅G J K V
    I-QT42-31.5 68 7 0
    35 0
    ∅10-0.036 x50
    4 2-∅14.5 ∅146 58 115 114
    I-QT52-50 92 7 0
    43 0
    ∅12-0.043 x70
    6 2-∅18.5 ∅181 82 145 136
    I-QT62-80 92 7 0
    53.5 0
    ∅14-0.043 x70
    6 2-∅23 ∅228.6 82 154 174.5


    Imodeli L ∅N O R T U ∅S W X M1 ∅P Y Z M2
    I-QT42-31.5 256 ∅125 16 172 139 75 ∅38 69.9 35.7 M12 deep 25 ∅25 52.4 26.2 M10 deep 20
    I-QT52-50 313 ∅150 20 214 170 93 ∅50 77.8 42.9 M12 deep 25 ∅32 58.7 30.2 M10 deep 20
    I-QT62-80 373 ∅190 24 266 216 118 ∅63 88.9 50.8 M12 deep 25 ∅38 69.9 35.7 M10 deep 20

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