Ikhwalithi Enhle I-China Parker Veljan Series T6 T7 Hydraulic Hydraulic Vane Pump Replacement 100% Iyalingana Futhi Iyashintsheka

Ikhwalithi Enhle Yase-China Parker Veljan Series T6 T7 Hydraulic Hydraulic Vane Pump Replacement 100% Isithombe Esifakiwe Esilinganayo Esilinganayo Neshintshayo

Incazelo emfushane:

Ngokuphatha kwethu okukhethekile, amandla obuchwepheshe aqinile kanye nenqubo eqinile yokulawula ikhwalithi ephezulu, siqhubeka nokuhlinzeka abathengi bethu ngezintengo ezithembekile zekhwalithi ephezulu, ezinengqondo zokudayisa nabahlinzeki abahle kakhulu. Sihlose ukuba phakathi kozakwethu abanomthwalo wemfanelo omkhulu futhi sizuze injabulo yakho Ngekhwalithi Enhle I-China Parker Veljan Series T6 T7 Hydraulic Oil Vane Pump Replacement 100% Elinganayo Futhi Iyashintshashintsha, Izisebenzi zenkampani yethu kanye nokusetshenziswa kwemishini esezingeni eliphezulu...

  • Igama lento :I-Mobile Vane Pump
  • Amandla :I-Hydraulic
  • Ingcindezi :Ukucindezela Okuphezulu
  • Okubalulekile :Insimbi engagqwali
  • Okokhelekayo :Udizili
  • Ukusetshenziswa :Amafutha
  • Ithiyori :Iphampu ejikelezayo
  • Isakhiwo :Iphampu yezigaba eziningi
  • Indawo Yomsuka:I-Ningbo, China
  • Ukulethwa :Izinsuku ezingu-7-15
  • Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

    Omaka bomkhiqizo

    Ngokuphatha kwethu okukhethekile, amandla obuchwepheshe aqinile kanye nenqubo eqinile yokulawula ikhwalithi ephezulu, siqhubeka nokuhlinzeka abathengi bethu ngezintengo ezithembekile zekhwalithi ephezulu, ezinengqondo zokudayisa nabahlinzeki abahle kakhulu. Sihlose ukuba phakathi kozakwethu abanomthwalo wemfanelo omkhulu futhi sizuze injabulo yakho Ngekhwalithi Enhle I-China Parker Veljan Series T6 T7 Hydraulic Oil Vane Pump Replacement 100% Iyalingana futhi Iyashintshashintsha, Izisebenzi zenkampani yethu kanye nokusetshenziswa kobuchwepheshe besimanje ziletha ikhwalithi ephezulu kakhulu. okuthengiswayo okuseqophelweni eliphezulu okuthandwa kakhulu futhi kwaziswa abathengi bethu emhlabeni wonke.
    Ngokuphatha kwethu okukhethekile, amandla obuchwepheshe aqinile kanye nenqubo eqinile yokulawula ikhwalithi ephezulu, siqhubeka nokuhlinzeka abathengi bethu ngezintengo ezithembekile zekhwalithi ephezulu, ezinengqondo zokudayisa nabahlinzeki abahle kakhulu. Sihlose ukuba phakathi kozakwethu abanomthwalo wemfanelo kakhulu futhi sikutholele injabuloChina Hydraulic Vane Pump, Veljan Vane Pump, Kuze kube manje, into yethu ehlotshaniswa nephrinta dtg a4 ingase iboniswe emazweni amaningi angaphandle kanye nasezindaweni zasemadolobheni, ezifunwa ithrafikhi eqondisiwe. Sonke sicabanga ukuthi manje sesinamandla aphelele wokukuhlinzeka ngezinto ezithengiswayo ezanele. Isifiso sokuqoqa izicelo zezinto zakho futhi ukhiqize ubambiswano lwesikhathi eside. Sithembisa ngokungathí sina:Ikhwalithi ephezulu ye-Csame, intengo engcono; intengo efanayo yokuthengisa, ikhwalithi ephezulu.


    Ingcindezi ephezulu nokusebenza okuphezulu kwephinikhodi yohlobo lwe-vane amaphampu asetshenziswa kakhulu emishinini yepulasitiki, imishini yokuphonsa, imishini yensimbi, imishini yokucindezela, imishini yokucwenga, imishini yokwakha, imishini yasolwandle.


    1. Ngesakhiwo se-dowel pin vane, ingasebenza ngaphansi kokucindezela okuphezulu, umsindo ophansi nokuphila isikhathi eside

    2. Le futha ye-vane ingalingana nendawo ebanzi ye-viscosity hydraulic, futhi iqalwe ezingeni lokushisa eliphansi futhi isetshenzwe ezingeni lokushisa eliphezulu.

    3. Njengoba iphampu ye-vane isebenzisa i-bilabial vane, inokumelana nokungcoliswa kawoyela okuphezulu kanye nobubanzi besivinini.


    CHA. Ingxenye Qty CHA. Ingxenye Qty CHA. Ingxenye Qty
    1 Umphini 1 6 I-Cir Clip For Shaft 2 11 Umzimba Ophakathi 1
    2 Ukhiye Oqondile 1 7 Ukuthwala ibhola 1 12 I-Cartridge yangemuva 1
    3 I-Hexagon Head Bolt 4 8 Cir Clip For Hole 1 13 Indandatho yophawu lukanxande 1
    4 Ikhava yangaphambili 1 9 Indandatho yophawu lukanxande 1 14 Ikhava yangemuva 1
    5 Shaft Seal 1 10 I-Cartridge yangaphambili 1 15 I-Hexagon Head Bolt 4


    Ukuqokwa kwemodeli

    I-T6CC S W -025 -17 -1 R 02 -C 1 10
    Uchungechunge Uhlobo
    Thayipha Ikhodi
    Ukuphela kwe-flow-shaft
    Iphampu yokuphela kwekhava egelezayo Umphini
    Ukuzungezisa Itheku
    Ukubeka uphawu
    I-T7BB CHA: SEBENZISA ISO 3019 Ukufakwa Flange
    S: SEBENZISA i-SAE C J744 flange yokufaka
    NO B02,B03,B04,B05,B06,B07,B08,B10,B12,B15 B02,B03,B04,B05,B06,B07,B08,B10,B12,B15 Bona usayizi we-shaft (Ukubuka kusuka ku-shaft ekupheleni kwephampu)Isandla sika-R-kwesokudla sokuhamba newashiL-isandla sobunxele ngokuphikisana nokuhamba kwewashi bheka isithombe ngezansi C 1-S1 NBR Nitrile rubber5-S5, Fluororubber 00,01, Bona ubukhulu bokufaka
    I-T7DB B14,B17,B20,B22,B24,B28,B31,B35,B38,B42 B02,B03,B04,B05,B06,B07,B08,B10,B12,B15 00,01, M1 Bona ubukhulu bokufaka
    I-T7DD B14,B17,B20,B22,B24,B28,B31,B35,B38,B42 B14,B17,B20,B22,B24,B28,B31,B35,B38,B42 -
    I-T7EB 042, 045, 050, 052, 054, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085 B02,B03,B04,B05,B06,B07,B08,B10,B12,B15
    I-T7ED 042, 045, 050, 052, 054, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085 B14,B17,B20,B22,B24,B28,B31,B35,B38,B42
    T7EE 042, 045, 050, 052, 054, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085 042, 045, 050, 052, 054, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085
    I-T67CB CHA: uhlobo lwemboniM: uhlobo lweloli
    P: uhlobo lweloli kabili seal kitsS: uhlobo lweloli, SAE SAE C J744 flange yokufaka
    W: Ishafu enokhiye osindayo 003/B03, 005/B05, 006/B06, 008/B08, 010/B10, 012/B12, 014/B14, 017/B17, 020/B20, 022/B22, 025/B25, 023/1/28, B31 B02,B03,B04,B05,B06,B07,B08,B10,B12,B15
    I-T6CC 003/B03, 005/B05, 006/B06, 008/B08, 010/B10, 012/B12, 014/B14, 017/B17, 020/B20, 022/B22, 025/B25, 023/1/28, B31 003/B03, 005/B05, 006/B06, 008/B08, 010/B10, 012/B12, 014/B14, 017/B17, 020/B20, 022/B22, 025/B25, 023/1/28, B31 00, 01, 10, 11, Bona ubukhulu bokufaka
    I-T67DB 014/B14, 017/B17, 020/B20, 024/B24, 028/B28, 031/B31, 035/B35, 038/B38, 042/B42, 045/B45, 050/B50,061 B02,B03,B04,B05,B06,B07,B08,B10,B12,B15 -
    I-T67DC B14,B17,B20,B22,B24,B28,B31,B35,B38,B42 003/B03, 005/B05, 006/B06, 008/B08, 010/B10, 012/B12, 014/B14, 017/B17, 020/B20, 022/B22, 025/B25, 023/1/28, B31 00,01, M1 Bona ubukhulu bokufaka
    I-T6DC 014, 017, 020, 024, 028, 031, 035, 038, 042, 045, 050, 061 003/B03, 005/B05, 006/B06, 008/B08, 010/B10, 012/B12, 014/B14, 017/B17, 020/B20, 022/B22, 025/B25, 023/1/28, B31 -
    I-T67EB 042, 045, 050, 052, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085 B02,B03,B04,B05,B06,B07,B08,B10,B12,B15
    I-T6EC 042, 045, 050, 052, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085 003/B03, 005/B05, 006/B06, 008/B08, 010/B10, 012/B12, 014/B14, 017/B17, 020/B20, 022/B22, 025/B25, 023/1/28, B31
    T67EC 042, 045, 050, 052, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085 003/B03, 005/B05, 006/B06, 008/B08, 010/B10, 012/B12, 014/B14, 017/B17, 020/B20, 022/B22, 025/B25, 023/1/28, B31
    I-T6ED 042, 045, 050, 052, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085 014/B14, 017/B17, 020/B20, 024/B24, 028/B28, 031/B31, 035/B35, 038/B38, 042/B42, 045/B45, 050/B50,061
    T6EE 042, 045, 050, 052, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085 042, 045, 050, 052, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085


    I-T6CC S W -025 -17 -1 R 02 -C 1 10
    Uchungechunge Thayipha Ikhodi Iphini
    Thayipha Ikhodi
    Ukuphela kwe-flow-shaft
    Iphampu yokuphela kwekhava egelezayo Umphini
    Ukuzungezisa Itheku
    Ukubeka uphawu
    I-T7BB CHA: SEBENZISA ISO 3019 Ukufakwa Flange
    S: SEBENZISA i-SAE C J744 flange yokufaka
    NO B02,B03,B04,B05,B06,B07,B08,B10,B12,B15 B02,B03,B04,B05,B06,B07,B08,B10,B12,B15 Bona usayizi we-shaft (Ukubuka kusuka ku-shaft ekupheleni kwephampu)Isandla sika-R-kwesokudla sokuhamba newashiL-isandla sobunxele ngokuphikisana nokuhamba kwewashi bheka isithombe ngezansi C 1-S1 NBR Nitrile rubber5-S5, Fluororubber 00,01, Bona ubukhulu bokufaka
    I-T7DB B14,B17,B20,B22,B24,B28,B31,B35,B38,B42 B02,B03,B04,B05,B06,B07,B08,B10,B12,B15 00,01, M1 Bona ubukhulu bokufaka
    I-T7DD B14,B17,B20,B22,B24,B28,B31,B35,B38,B42 B14,B17,B20,B22,B24,B28,B31,B35,B38,B42 -
    I-T7EB 042, 045, 050, 052, 054, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085 B02,B03,B04,B05,B06,B07,B08,B10,B12,B15
    I-T7ED 042, 045, 050, 052, 054, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085 B14,B17,B20,B22,B24,B28,B31,B35,B38,B42
    T7EE 042, 045, 050, 052, 054, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085 042, 045, 050, 052, 054, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085
    I-T67CB CHA: uhlobo lwemboniM: uhlobo lweloli
    P: uhlobo lweloli kabili seal kitsS: uhlobo lweloli, SAE SAE C J744 flange yokufaka
    W: Ishafu enokhiye osindayo 003/B03, 005/B05, 006/B06, 008/B08, 010/B10, 012/B12, 014/B14, 017/B17, 020/B20, 022/B22, 025/B25, 023/1/28, B31 B02,B03,B04,B05,B06,B07,B08,B10,B12,B15
    I-T6CC 003/B03, 005/B05, 006/B06, 008/B08, 010/B10, 012/B12, 014/B14, 017/B17, 020/B20, 022/B22, 025/B25, 023/1/28, B31 003/B03, 005/B05, 006/B06, 008/B08, 010/B10, 012/B12, 014/B14, 017/B17, 020/B20, 022/B22, 025/B25, 023/1/28, B31 00, 01, 10, 11, Bona ubukhulu bokufaka
    I-T67DB 014/B14, 017/B17, 020/B20, 024/B24, 028/B28, 031/B31, 035/B35, 038/B38, 042/B42, 045/B45, 050/B50,061 B02,B03,B04,B05,B06,B07,B08,B10,B12,B15 -
    I-T67DC B14,B17,B20,B22,B24,B28,B31,B35,B38,B42 003/B03, 005/B05, 006/B06, 008/B08, 010/B10, 012/B12, 014/B14, 017/B17, 020/B20, 022/B22, 025/B25, 023/1/28, B31 00,01, M1 Bona ubukhulu bokufaka
    I-T6DC 014, 017, 020, 024, 028, 031, 035, 038, 042, 045, 050, 061 003/B03, 005/B05, 006/B06, 008/B08, 010/B10, 012/B12, 014/B14, 017/B17, 020/B20, 022/B22, 025/B25, 023/1/28, B31 -
    I-T67EB 042, 045, 050, 052, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085 B02,B03,B04,B05,B06,B07,B08,B10,B12,B15
    I-T6EC 042, 045, 050, 052, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085 003/B03, 005/B05, 006/B06, 008/B08, 010/B10, 012/B12, 014/B14, 017/B17, 020/B20, 022/B22, 025/B25, 023/1/28, B31
    T67EC 042, 045, 050, 052, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085 003/B03, 005/B05, 006/B06, 008/B08, 010/B10, 012/B12, 014/B14, 017/B17, 020/B20, 022/B22, 025/B25, 023/1/28, B31
    I-T6ED 042, 045, 050, 052, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085 014/B14, 017/B17, 020/B20, 024/B24, 028/B28, 031/B31, 035/B35, 038/B38, 042/B42, 045/B45, 050/B50,061
    T6EE 042, 045, 050, 052, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085 042, 045, 050, 052, 057, 062, 066, 072, 085

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